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Gordon Setter Breed Summary
Loyal, Intelligent, Playful, Lively and Inquisitive
These dogs have been around for a fairly long time, though only really came into popularity during the 1800's! They are one of the largest breeds of setters and are extremely active and love to have a job to do! They also retain their puppy-like, playful traits a lot longer than other breeds.
They are very intelligent and are extremely loyal to their families. Setters also really enjoy taking part in all aspects of family life! However, they are not as popular as they used to be and are now on the Kennel Clubs vulnerable list.
Fun Fact: They were named after the fourth Duke of Gordon!
Kennel Club Group | Gundog |
Lifespan | 10 - 12 Years |
Height (at the withers) | Males 61cm - 69cm, Females 58cm - 66cm |
Weight | Males 25kg - 36kg, Females 20kg - 32kg |
Coat | The Hair on their Heads, Front of Legs and Tips of the Ears is Fine to the Touch and Short. Hair on the Rest of the Body is Moderately Long and Flat Lying. |
Colour | Black & Tan |
Eye colour | Dark Brown |
Common health issues | Hip dysplasia, Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL-D), Progressive retinal atrophy (rcd-4), Cutaneous cysts, Lipoma, Otitis externa, Mammary lumps, Hypothyroidism, Arthritis, Hypersensitivity skin disorder, Otitis media, Bloat/gastric torsion, Urinary incontinence |
Gordon Setters are most well-known for their extreme loyalty to their families, all they want to do is please! For this reason, they are fairly easy to train as well as teach new tricks and skills. However, they can also be willful and stubborn if they aren't put in their place if they do something bad, it's more likely they are sorry they got caught than anything else! Their temperaments can potentially be affected by a number of things, including traits in their parents as well as how well they are trained and socialised. Puppies with the best temperaments will be lively and inquisitive as opposed to those with bad temperaments who may do a host of things including hiding in the corner or bullying their siblings. You should additionally always make sure you try to meet the puppy's parents to check out that there are no issues there.
These dogs were first discovered around 1620 but they didn't gain much popularity until nearly 200 years later where the fourth Duke of Gordon kept them as hunting dogs. It was recorded that they although they weren't the fastest dogs, they had huge amounts of stamina and could continue on all day at the same speed, as well as having excellent noses. The Duke had a preference to the Setter's that were black and tan coloured and when he died, the Duke of Richmond, his heir, continued on breeding them. It's thought that between 1859 and 1874, 126 setters were registered by the English Kennel Club and the breed have continued to increase in popularity over the years. They now sit at a comfortable 88th amongst 155 breeds!