5 Tips for Taking Better Photos of Your Dog
If you’re a dog owner, you probably have hundreds of photos of your pooch, ready to show them off at a moment's notice. Whether they’re sleeping in a funny position, soaking up the sun or just being their wagnificent self, every moment is a great photo opportunity. And while your best furriend is perfect in your eyes, capturing their loveliness on camera is often another story!
That’s where Andy, Yappy’s supawstar photographer is here to help! By following his 5 top tips for taking pet portraits, you’ll soon be capturing your dog in a dazzling new light.
1. Be Patient
Say cheese! No, I don’t actually have any cheese. Come on, look this way… No, this way. Over here, look at me… Perfect… Oh, Shih Tzu!
Does this sound familiar?
The most important aspect of photographing dogs - or any animal for that matter - is patience. Calm, collected, saint-like patience. Just like small children, dogs tend to do whatever they want, when they want, and they don’t always respond in ways you expect.
Put yourself in your dog’s shoes (or paws), having a camera or a phone pointed in your face could seem pretty bewildering. So, being patient and taking your time to get a good dog photo is key.
2. Get your dog used to the environment
Give your dog time to settle and get used to the environment they’re in. If they’re in a place they’ve never been to before then let them explore and sniff everything first so they’re more relaxed. The best photos of your dog will be captured when they’re comfortable and at ease with their surroundings.
You can even play with your pup beforehand and give them some dog treats to help them relax. If you’re somewhere they know well like your house or a walk they’ve been on before, still take some time to get them used to your camera or phone.
3. Make some noise
Once your dog is feeling relaxed and comfortable, getting their attention and looking towards the camera will make a more impactful photograph.
Clicks, whistles, and saying words softly will often capture your dog’s attention and draw their eyeline towards the camera. Sometimes this might just be a simple trick of making their ears stand up, look at camera or even raise their head slightly. Having a squeaky toy next to the camera will also help. Give it a few squeaks and your dog is sure to turn their head towards the sound!
As most dogs recognise their name as a recall command, just be aware that if you say their name, they may just walk towards you and the camera.
4. Dog treats are your new best friend
Like most people, dogs are easily motivated by food. Treats will therefore be your new best friend. Always make sure you have a pack of their favourite treats on hand, either to entice them to do what you want or as a reward for good behaviour.
If you’ve withheld a treat for a few seconds to entice them to sit or stay, always give them the treat immediately afterwards as a reward to encourage the positive experience and good behaviour. The experience of taking photos should be a positive one for your dog so that they’re not scared of a camera or the actions involved.
Make sure to check our Yappy’s full range of scrumptious treats for your dog!
5. Get low
Whenever you’re doing a portrait session with people, you want the camera to be eye level with your subject for the most flattering and engaging photos of them. The same is true for dogs! However, as they’re a lot smaller, this often involves laying on the floor or sitting low down near them. Try and focus on their eyes if you can, as this level of engagement with the camera/you will make for more impactful images as if the dog is looking straight at the person viewing the picture.
When you’re at their level, your dog will may want to get very close to you so expect cuddles, a tail in your face, a lick on the nose, or your up trying to lie on your lap!
Transform your dog photos into amazing gifts
Now it’s your turn! Put these tips into practise and you’ll soon be capturing pawfect photos of your dog, ready for you to show off to your friends and family.
What’s more, at Yappy we have lots of amazing dog photo gifts, which are a brilliant way to show off your fur baby and they make unique, thoughtful gifts for dog lovers too.
From photo frames to custom dog cushions and even super-personalised books, these gifts are truly one-of-a-kind and are guaranteed to impress.
If you’d like to know more about what Yappy offers, don’t hesitate to contact us at help@yappy.com.