Can Cats Eat Cucumbers?

Have you noticed recently that your cat is showing some interest in cucumber while you’ve been cutting it? Our feline friends are always snooping around in the kitchen hoping to pick up some scraps of food.

So, can cats eat cucumbers? Continue reading our helpful guide to find out.

Can cats eat cucumber?

Yes, cats can eat cucumber but only in moderation. It’s okay for you to feed your furry friend a couple of small chunks or slices of cucumber every now and then, but that’s normally enough for your cat’s temptation to be satisfied.

Cats get all of the nutrients they need from their normal diets which contain animal protein. That means cucumbers can be used as an occasional treat or snack, rather than as part of their daily meals.

Are cucumbers toxic to cats?

No, cucumbers are not toxic to cats. They also contain a low sugar and calorie content, which means you don’t need to worry about their weight every time you feed them a slice. Because of this, cucumbers are used as an occasional treat for cats.

However, do be careful about the amount you feed your feline friend. Too much cucumber can create digestive issues, but one or two small pieces every now and then is enough to satisfy your cat (and their curiosity).

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Personalised just for your cat, this stunning ceramic cat bowl is the purrfect option for your kitty - why not pop some cucumber in there?

How to feed cucumber to your cat

Now you know the answer to ‘can cats eat cucumbers?’, it's time to find out how to actually feed them. 

Funnily enough, it’s not as simple as just cutting off a piece and giving it to your cat. Here’s how you should feed cucumber to your kitty:

  • Moderation is key

  • Only feed them fresh cucumber

  • Take off the peel

  • Wash the cucumber

Moderation is key

This first point is important. Your cat may love the taste of cucumber and keep asking for more, but too much is a problem for their digestive system. A couple of pieces per week should be enough for your cat. Try and cut the cucumber into very small pieces too, just like the size of a normal cat treat. This makes it easier for them to chew and digest.

Only feed them fresh cucumber

Cats can only consume fresh, plain cucumber. A pickled cucumber is very high in salt content, which is dangerous for cats.

Take off the peel

Cucumber skin can be hard to digest, especially for cats with a sensitive digestive system. So, the next time you go to give your cat some cucumber, try and remove the skin first. This will ensure it doesn’t create any digestive problems for your pawsome little friend.

Wash the cucumber

This is a simple one really. Quickly running the cucumber under some water will help to remove any dirt that’s lying on the surface. This helps to keep your cat healthy.

Which foods can cats not eat?

You’ll want to ensure your cat has the best diet possible to avoid any potential health and digestive problems arising. Here’s a list of foods that are toxic to cats, so you should avoid feeding them to your kitty:

Onions and garlic

Onions, garlic, shallots and spring onions can cause damage to your cat’s red blood cells and lead to anaemia. While they’re particularly toxic when eaten in large quantities, even exposure to concentrated forms of onion or garlic, like an onion soup mix or garlic powder can be toxic.

Raw meat, eggs and bones

Just like humans, eating raw eggs or meat can lead to salmonella or E. coli poisoning in cats, so keep these foods out of reach and out of their diet.

Chocolate and caffeinated drinks

Chocolate can be fatal for dogs but it’s just as toxic for cats. Chocolate contains substances called methylxanthines, which are known to cause vomiting, diarrhoea, high body temperature, muscle tremors, abnormal heart rhythm, abdominal discomfort, increased thirst, and seizures.

Grapes and raisins

Consumption of grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure in cats, even just a small amount. Within 12 hours of ingestion, vomiting can sometimes occur.

Milk and dairy products

Even though your cat probably enjoys drinking milk, it actually isn’t very good for them. Cats struggle to digest the lactose in milk, which can cause stomach aches and diarrhoea.


This one kind of goes without saying but it’s best to say it anyway! Alcohol can cause a whole host of health problems for your cat, including vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, disorientation, trouble breathing, coma, and even death.

Cat gifts at Yappy

Pick up some personalised gifts from Yappy for your cat!

Dress them up and make them look even more paw-some with a bandana, or make them as comfortable as possible during nap time with their very own cushion and towel.

There’s so much more on offer at Yappy, including personalised gifts and cards for any occasion.

If you’d like to know more about what Yappy offers, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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