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Personalised Birthday Gifts For Border Collie Mom's

Enter your dog's name, select an icon and you'll instantly see EVERYTHING personalized just for your Border Collie...

Shop our range of personalized birthday gifts for Border Collie moms!

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Birthday Treats for Border Collie Moms!

Sure to make any Border Collie mom smile on their birthday, our collection of beautiful and unique personalized birthday gifts are pawfect for celebrating a dog mom on her special day (as well as show off her furbulous Border Collie).

With personalized cards that range from funny to sentimental, comfy pillows that are pawfect for cuddling up to with her Border Collie, plus so much more, all of our presents are made extra special by featuring our charismatic Border Collie icons and silhouettes!

Whether she enjoys writing in a notebook, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, sipping endless cups of tea, or simply relaxing with her pooch under a snuggly blanket - we’re sure to have just the gift to make her birthday truly special. Go on, take a peek!