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Personalised Bergamasco Christmas Gift Wrap

Enter your dog's name, select an icon and you'll instantly see EVERYTHING personalised just for your Bergamasco...

Make someone smile with our amazing Bergamasco Christmas gift wrap

Christmas Wrapping Paper for Bergamascos

Give the greatest gift of all this Christmas, with our Bergamasco wrapping paper!

Create the pawfect wrapping paper for friends and family who are mutts about Bergamascos with our festive dog designs. What could be better than receiving a gift that features your favourite pooch in print? Just don’t be surprised if they’re extra pawrecious about opening their present!

Each sheet of our Christmas gift wrap is printed with cute Bergamasco dog icons or silhouettes and feature a beautiful silk finish. So, if you’re all about those special, pawsonalised touches when it comes to gift giving, our Bergamasco Christmas gift wrap will be the icing on the (Christmas) cake.

Now that you’ve got the wrapping paper covered, why not take a look at our range of Christmas cards – they’re the pawfect way to say Merry Woofmas!